Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The 'Mini Me' project is coming along quite well! My goal is to have 50 available in time for the Gorge Artist Open Studio Tour this coming April. ( I'm well on my way there too! So far I have 19 Minis Finished and ready for sale with 8 others in the works that should be done soon! Check out what I have so far: 

for more 'Mini Me' photos check out the album at

I've also been working steadily on a piece for the Preview Show for GAOS that will be at The Dalles Art Center for the month of March. Its been a bit slow going for the last week and a half. I pinched my sciatic nerve and couldn't walk for a few days and then just as I was getting better Dixie-Mae got sick! We are both doing better now and back hard at work :) I wasn't planning on sharing photos of 'Flight II' before it goes up at The Dalles Art Center but I just can't help myself! Here's a peek:

'Flight II' is an evolved version of a piece I did in 2012 that I really enjoyed making, that also started my use of line and geometric shape with raptors. Since then I've began to use a lot more curvilinear lines in my compositions and I was curious to see these subtle differences side by side in essentially the same composition. It feels really good to go back to my roots
   I finished the under painting (shown above) last night and I'm hoping to have all the shapes painting in by the end of the day today. My goal is to have it ready to drop off by Saturday February 22, just a few days from now! Maybe I won't be able to contain the enthusiasm for 'Flight II' and post a preview here... we'll just have to wait and see!

 As always, checkout my Facebook page for more regular updates. 

For infomation about purchasing works or to inquire about an appointment,
 please contact me at:

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